- struct and_then_fn - Functor used to implement the 'and_then' operation on maybe & result monads
- class either - A monadic type that contains an element either one of it's left or right side.
- class err - Helper class to construct a result containing an error.
- struct forwarding_wrapper
- class invalid_access_exception - A helper exception class used for error handling in monadic types
- class left - Helper class to construct a left-handed either monad
- class maybe - A monadic type that may or may not contain a value.
- struct none_t - Represents an empty maybe
- class ok - Helper class to construct a result containing a value.
- struct operation - Functor used to define operations for monadic types.
- struct or_else_fn - Functor used to implement the 'or_else' operation on maybe & result monads
- struct pipe_closure
- class result - A monadic type that container either a normal value or an error.
- class right - Helper class to construct a right-handed either monad
- class some - Helper class to construct a maybe monad with value.
- struct transform_err_fn - Functor used to implement the 'transform_err' operation on maybe & result monads
- struct transform_fn - Functor used to implement the 'transform' operation on maybe & result monads
- struct transform_join_left_fn - Functor used to implement the 'flat_transform_left' operation on either monads
- struct transform_join_right_fn - Functor used to implement the 'flat_transform_right' operation on either monads
- struct transform_left_fn - Functor used to implement the 'transform_left' operation on either monads
- struct transform_right_fn - Functor used to implement the 'transform_left' operation on either monads